Welcome to Hong Kong

Welcome to Hong Kong
The View of Victoria's Peak

2011年1月18日 星期二

My How Time Flies

It has been exactly one week since I got here, well in 5 more hours it will be.  So far my brain has all but exploded from all the new stuff I've had to learn.  Like looking the other way while crossing a street, walking on the other side of the side walk, holding my bowl up to my mouth and basically shoveling food in, language barriers, 3 hour long classes, I can keep going but wont.  I think I finally have all my classes together and ready for the semester.  My latest class, Hong Kong Taxation sounds like a blast, but nonetheless it is my only accounting course and I can't wait for it. 

Today me, Austin, Christopher, and Clement all went out to lunch at the Renfrew Seafood Restaurant in the William Lung Bank Building for Business Students (WLB).  When we got there we unfortunately learned that all the menus were in Cantonese, so we basically looked at the pictures and we had a student next to us help with the ordering, it was pretty rough, but everything we ordered turned out to be great.  We also got all of our paper work figured out, applied for a student octopus card, with my hobo picture on it, applied for a gym membership, which we'll have to take classes, and changed yet another class around. Oh well, it is done.

Okay things with my roomate have been pretty quite, he is a good guy definetely but is fairly poor at english so we haven't talked much.  But tonight he and his friends cooked me dinner which was very good and we talked about alot of things and they attempted to teach me a little of their language and I the same.  However, each time I tried to say something they laughed, and so did I.  You have to learn to laugh at yourself here. They were all math, physics, and biology majors and very very studious.  I'm glad I went though my floor isn't as active as some of the floors here but now I know a few more people it'll be a bit easier the next few months.

I'm pretty excited for tonight, a good group of us are heading to a pub nearby, Billy Boozers!  Each time we mention it to a local they always look back with a screwy face, I guess it isn't the best place and is a little dirty but it is a great place just to hang out and play some dice.  Yeah I haven't really started an school work, but that will come in due time.  Last time we went to Boozy Boozy I missed out because of some poorly cooked seafood, apparently it was a great time, but this go around I wont miss out.


