Welcome to Hong Kong

Welcome to Hong Kong
The View of Victoria's Peak

2011年4月3日 星期日

Noah's Ark!

. . . was amazing.  Me and Senny had this brilliant idea to go to Noah's Ark over the weekend.  This place was magical, they had animal sculptures, a tree of life, pieces of Noah's Ark, a meteorite, petrified wood, soooo much stuff.  But we couldn' keep this trip to ourselves so we dragged Austin and Greg along with us. 

The Ark, underneath the Tsing Ma Bridge

To begin we had to take the MTR to central and then hop on a ferry to Ma Wan Park where we first saw the Tsing Ma Bridge, which is the longest suspension bridge in the world. Then, right underneath that was Noah's Ark.  It was a strange juxtaposition but I enjoyed it.  We of course bought the ticket which allowed us free reign around the park.  First stop was the Art Expo which housed animals, stuffed mutant giraffes, an earthquake simulator, and a strange sculpture of a bunch of extinct animals smashed up into one.  It was also a learning experience though.  We learned that Noah's Ark has the perfect ratio that allows for the most stable ride, I guess so all the animals don't get sick.  Interestingly some areas seemed like a spacecraft, which was bizarre for a place called Noah's Ark.

The Ark Garden
Then the Ark Garden, here grew the Tree of Life.  It stood at an impressive 20 feet and was no more bigger than a purple maple back home.  Outside now, we had a very good view of the Tsing Ma bridge which seemed to go for miles in both directions.  More animal statues were out here as well, and some of them were very well done and looked somewhat life like. I was impressed.  Soon we started to get tired hungry, and cranky so we looked for a little snack station but not before we were almost trampled by a stampede of children, probably taking a nice field trip.  We survived and went on to the next stop.

Mash-Up Scuplture of Animals

We Caught One!

Which was the Nature Garden.  Placed on top of a hill which held a large bird sculpture and another great view of the  bridge and the surrounding areas.  The journey there was better than the destination.  We made friends with giant ladybugs, or ladybirds, as they call them I guess, and a giant menacing leaf.  And hidden from all the commotion were these tiny little critters that looked like potatoes which I have figured them to be the Keepers of the Ark.  Seriously the were everywhere, and I made it my mission to find all of them.  I think I got most of them.  Along the way we also passed different types of renewable energy, such as hydro, bio-gas, and wind.  The bio-gas chamber was hilarious, one of the Keepers caught a bunch of little organic fellas and put them in a jar to light them on fire, it was very violent.  After the Nature Garden it was time to get going. 

Top of the Nature Garden

The Keepers of the Ark, Scheming

In all it was definitely a novelty trip and a ton of fun.

